
Rhythm Transformations On The Guitar

by Tommaso Zillio

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Guitar Rhythm Transformation

There are two seemingly different problems that guitar players have, and that don’t know they have the same cause:

  • They find that whatever they are playing “sounds the same”, and
  • They have difficulties in taking an “exercise” they learned and use it in real-life playing.

Chances are, if you have one of these problems, you also have the other one, as their origin is the same: lack of mastery of rhythm and “accents”. “What are you saying, Tommaso”, you may reply, “my rhythm and my timing are perfect!” Well, this is what EVERYBODY thinks, but the reality is that rhythm is one of the “blind areas” of guitar practice: nobody notices that they need practice there because it’s difficult to have any feedback.

Anyway, once you master your rhythm skills you will solve the two problem above:

  • You will be able to create endless VARIATIONS of your usual licks, so they won't "sound the same" anymore, and
  • You will be able to "adapt" in real time any exercise so it becomes easier to play on the song you are wiring on at the moment.

But how can you master your rhythm skills? Well, here I will share with you one of my "secret exercise". It is deceptively simple, and yet incredibly effective. If you practice it for even few days you will see a difference in what you can do on your guitar!

Watch this video to learn to transform the rhythm of your guitar phrases:

If you liked this "secret exercise", you will love this "secret course":

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