The Easy Way To MODULATE Using AUGMENTED Chords [Guitar Harmony]

I've received tons and tons of requests to make a video on augmented chords.
I can see why!
The augmented chord sounds downright nasty when you try to play it for the first time.
... not that the second, third, or fourth time it gets much better...
The augmented chord sounds 'out of place' in most chord progressions. And there is a reason why.
And once you know why... then you can eliminate the problem!
So in this video I'm showing you two things:
- One way to make augmented chords sound good in your chord progression and
- One way to use augmented chords to change key
Is there more you can do with augmented chords?
You bet!
But we need to get started somewhere, right?
If you have ever tried to use augmented chords and they sound horrible... watch this video:
Of course, you can apply a similar trick with other 'symmetric' chords.
If you are interested on modulating using diminished chords instead, here's the video on it:
If instead you are in love with the sound of augmented chords, then you definitely want to have a look at this other video on augmented scales.
These scales will 'fit' and complement the augmented chord... for interesting solos and effects:
There is more about augmented chords than just this - and in fact what do you expect from 10 minutes videos? OF COURSE we can just scratch the surface.
If you are ready to actually go in depth and REALLY understand harmony on guitar... and you are tired of all the courses that promise you a "quick fix" and then teach you nothing...
... then you are ready for the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course: a complete course of harmony for guitar players that leaves no stone unturned and no concept unexplained.
If you want everything done from beginning to end, with all the details, and with exercises that make sure you understand everything and how to use it... then Complete Chord Mastery is for you.
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