How To Create EXOTIC Sounds Using Only Two Triads

A few weeks ago I published a video on soloing with triad pairs…
…and several commenters told me that, when they tried that idea, they got only “conventional sounds”.
Instead they want sounds that are new and exciting. They want more ‘spice’!
My people! I see your comments! I acknowledge your lamentations!
And I raise you a new video. You want spice?
I got spice!
In this video I’m showing you how to create sounds that range from mundane to exotic using only two triads.
And when you watch it, you are going to get (at least) two different uses out of it:
You can play the triads as “chords” to create spicy chord progressions, and
You can use the triads as “triad pairs” to write a spicy solo.
(If you are a songwriter, this is going to be gold for you)
Watch this video because “the spice must flow”:
If you are lost on how to USE the triad pairs, it could be a good idea to review this video too:
And this will show you some possible variations in using triad pairs so that you do not sound like an ‘arpeggio machine’
To become the ultimate harmonic powerhouse on guitar and be able to do all the above and much more on guitar with ease and panache… get the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course
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