Music Theory's UNIVERSAL GLUE: This MAGIC Chord Connects ANY Two Chords

So you wrote your chorus in C# minor and your verse in G major.
You know in your heart that these two pieces of music belong to each other but, like star-crossed lovers, they can not be together. Their keys are too different.
Or at least you can’t find a convincing way for them to be together.
(And you can’t transpose them because the verse in C# minor uses open strings on your guitar… a trick for another time…)
You know what you need?
You need some harmonic “universal glue”.
That is to say, you need something that can connect any two chords or keys. Just apply the ‘glue’ and connect the two song sections.
“Wait something like this exists?”
And it’s actually quite easy to use.
It may sound like a utilitarian solution to an artistic problem… but like many things in music theory, you will still have choices on how to the result will sound and on what is the best ‘feeling’ for the connection.
So let your star-cross’d song sections be alone no more, and join them together in holy harmony with the universal harmonic glue:
In the video above I mention another video on diminished chords and modulations.
Here it is as a handy reference:
And what if you don’t want to change key, but only spice up a chord progression in a single key?
Well our ‘universal tool’ the diminished chord comes in handy once again:
Believe it or not, these are just a few possible uses of the diminished 7th chord. There’s more!
The incredible thing is that they all come from the same principle. See, in music theory you can have hundreds of applications from the same principle… so you can be infinitely creative.
Wouldn’t it be nice to learn the PRINCIPLES of music theory rather than a bunch of unconnected special cases?
Well, for guitar players I have my ow solution: the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course
This is a complete video course specific for guitar players, that connects the principles behind both classical and jazz harmony, and teaches them to you directly on the guitar fretboard.
If you want to REALLY learn your theory and becoming a harmonic powerhouse… then check out the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course
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