CRAZY Dominant Chords A La Jacob Collier [Music Theory]

CRAZY Dominant Chords A La Jacob Collier [Music Theory]

Tommaso Zillio

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Jacob Collier chords

The lesson of today has been inspired by the music of Jacob Collier.

Whether you like Jacob's music or not (or maybe you don't even know his music, in which case I warmly recommend you check him out), we can all agree that he has interesting harmonic ideas.

Again, maybe not for everybody - but the sheer harmonic competence and inventiveness displayed in his music is staggering.

(Yes, I am fanboying a little on Jacob. Deal with it.)

Today I want to focus on one of Jacob's most used tricks: how to create crazy dominant chords. This is one of the things that I found most attractive in his music at first: how he can write chords that by themselves sound ... horrible ... and yet in context sound smooth.

At the beginning I thought that to understand this would have required a super-high level of music theory, extreme competence in voice leading, absolute familiarity with chord substitutions...

... but it turns out that it's much, much simpler than that! In fact, as long as you know a few basic chords on the guitar, you can do it too!

In the video you find the 'general guideline' to create new crazy dominant chords, and several examples played for you.

This lesson is guaranteed not to sound 'conventional'. Have fun!

And if you are hungry for more Collierisms, do not miss my series on Negative Harmony. It's lots more fun using only simple tricks that create complex sounds.

You can find the whole playlist here:

You did not have enough yet? If you want to finally understand and master everything about chords and chord progressions on the guitar, then go and take the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course that will give you a step-by-step road to absolute mastery of chords and harmony on your guitar.

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