AUGMENTED Triads For The Dissonance-Intolerant Musician

There are 4 kinds of triads (chords of 3 notes): major, minor, diminished, and augmented.
The augmented chord is the least used triad. Why? Because by itself it sounds strange and alien and dissonant…
So imagine my surprise when a student asked me:
“How can I use augmented triads in a pop song?”
Challenge accepted!
Here you find not one, not two, but three ways to use an augmented chord so that it sound good even in a pop song
And if you can make it sound good in a pop song… imagine how good it will sound in styles that tolerate dissonance better like Metal or Jazz.
Tasty dissonance. Yum!
There is of course much more that you can do with these amazing chords.
Here I show you how to change key using augmented chords.
And finally, let’s go too far.
The content of this next video may be too much for you.
But your kids will like it.
You want to take a look at the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course because you’re tired of “fishing around” aimlessly for chords when you need them.
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