Tritone Modulations: 4 Ways To Change Key A Tritone Away

Do you know how to modulate a tritone away?
That is, do you know how to change key from (say) C major to Gb major?
This is not that easy to do - at least if you want a smooth transition - since these two keys are as far as they come from each other.
Of course, there are several ways to modulate between these two keys.
As usual, music offers us several possibilities and there is not only one 'right' way to do it.
Depending on the emotional effect you want to have - gradual 'riding' into the new key, or sudden destabilizing change - you can use one of the several ideas that I present in this video:
In the video above I refer to another video about a modulation strategy: the diminished modulation.
Here's the video in all its glory:
And for more out-of-the-box modulation tricks, here's a lesson where I go through several ways to modulate smoothly between Am and C#m - two fairly distant keys
Ya dig what you hear?
If you want to be able to create chord progressions and changes of keys that sound good AND work for the song, then I recommend the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course - a complete video course that will show you step-by-step how to write gorgeous chord progression on your guitar.
Move beyond the old G C D, and write the next hit!
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