A Simple Trick To Spice Up Your Chord Progressions

A Simple Trick To Spice Up Your Guitar Chord Progression

Tommaso Zillio

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spice up your chord progressions

You know when you play a few chords on your guitar and they sound... boring? And you know how sometimes a rock or pop star can play only two chords on their guitar, but they sound "special"? Why it is so, what are they doing different than you?

I think it happened to any guitar player who tried to compose a song with chord progressions: when you just put "one chord after another" it simply does not sound as good. But even if you know more about theory and you know in what order to put the chords to get the best result (something we will NOT talk about right now) there is STILL something missing.

It's like as if when a professional "touches" a chord progression, then the chord progression assumes a "shine" that was not there before. In fact once a student of mine asked me "what pedal do I need to use to get that effect?"

It turns out that it's not a pedal. No amount of chorus and delay can give you that "shine". Rather there are some "tricks" that can make even the most boring chord progression sound "special". I am going to share one of these tricks with you in the video below. Why just one? Because you will learn more from one trick explained in depth than by a loose collection of them. Quality before quantity.

Yeah, I realize that all I said so far sounds like clickbait... well, if you don't believe me check out the examples at the end of the video. Then, if they sound good enough for you, the rest of the video explains how to do it yourself. And it's easier than you think.

So, you see, this trick is really simple... but you should not underestimate it. Many hit songs have been written using it, and it can add that right bit of "magic" to your chord progressions too. Your homework: apply this to one of your chord progressions today.

To learn more about how to create great Chord Progressions on Guitar and make your songs sound "professional", click the button below:

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