The VISUAL Way To Write A Song [For Visual Learners]

Obvious thought of the week:
Music is an auditive art. It has to do with sound. Duh.
Surprising thought of the week (at least for me):
There are a lot of visual learners who want to make music. You may be one too!
But how can a person that thinks mostly in images be able to create art that relies on hearing?
Honestly, it’s not that difficult if you think about it for two minutes and you have a couple of decades’ experience in teaching music…
(hehe ok, I have an unfair advantage here!)
… so here’s how you compose a song visually:
Ok, but what about finding the right chord progression for your song?
Well here are some great chordal options that you can use freely:
And here’s how to make the ‘wrong’ chord sound ‘right’… always a good trick that has a big effect:
These are just a few suggestions, though. The real mother lode of chord progressions that really allows you to express yourself freely is found here in the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course. Check it out right now.
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