What Makes A Guitar Scale EMOTIONAL?

Too many people confuse music theory with “music math”.
That is, too many people think that music theory is about ‘calculating’ the right scale for the right chord or something like that.
And while this IS a part of music theory - a very small part - music theory is totally NOT about ‘the math’
Music theory is all about the feelz.
So if you take a scale like the Hirajoshi (A hirajoshi = A Bb D E F)…
… what do you think makes this scale sound as awesomely emotional as it is?
The answer is much easier (and much more useful) than you think:
In this video we also answer:
- In the C major scale why B is the seventh note and not B flat?
- Is the Ab a borrowed chord from the C minor scale? Or is it something else?
- Why is it that guitar players refer to the strings and fret position as opposed to the string and note when explaining fingering of cords?
If all this music theory thing sounds like Ancient Greek to you and you want to finally understand how to make music on your guitar, then check out the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course.
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