How To Play The Wrong Chords And Make The Progression Sound Better

We musicians spend a lot of time to learn to play the 'right' notes, the 'right' chords, the 'right' scales...
So this may come as a surprise, but there are some situations where playing the 'wrong' chords sounds better than playing the 'right' ones.
And no, I'm not talking about dissonant, 'outside', free-jazz sounds that only few people can use in their music or that will get you booed offstage. (Even if I love 'outside' playing... and if you want we can do a video about it too)
Quite the opposite, here I'm talking about how playing the 'wrong' chord makes even simple pop chord progressions sound beautiful - even to a casual listener - and how this trick sounds appropriate in any style of music.
This idea gives you the power to choose the level of consonance/dissonance you want in your music.
Let me save you time. You can find a played example in the video below at 5:30. If you like the example - and only if you like it - then you can go back at the beginning of the video and learn how to do it.
For a similar trick that works for lead players rather than for rhythm players (not that there is such a sharp distinction between lead and rhythm) here's another video that shows you some interesting things you can do mixing different chords:
Do you like these videos? There is much more of this, and you can get it all and go through it all at your own pace. Just have a look at the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course and you can have all the chord knowledge you want at your fingertips, in the most usable form for guitar players. All the theory is done on the guitar fretboard so you know exactly how to play and apply everything you learn.
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