Finally Sound GREAT When Playing A Pentatonic Solo On Your Guitar
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Give me 5 minutes of your time and I will show you how you can sound great with just 5 notes... No complex techniques, no abstract theory, just SOLID MOVES that make your solo sound special.
Does this sound familiar to you?:
They told you that you have to learn scales to play lead guitar. So you learned a couple of scale patterns... but you just can't make it "sound" the right way: it just sounds like disconnected notes.
It just does not sound like "Music"!
You wonder why other guitar players seem to play 3 notes and make them sound like a million dollars as if it was the most natural thing in the world... and most frustrating of all, you are probably practicing way more than them!
Then you start thinking that maybe "you just don't have the talent"... and then guitar's no fun anymore.
Listen, I know exactly how you feel. It's been the same for me. I have no natural talent to speak of, and when I started playing I was positively horrible.
The one thing I have going on for me is... I am incredibly stubborn. So I spent YEARS watching what great players do and dissecting their playing. Forget about what they SAY (they often have no idea themselves why they sound so good), I care only about what they DO.
... and guess? It turns out that "sounding good" on lead guitar can be broken down into a few, simple elements that anyone can learn with just a little practice.
Now, some people would call them "secrets"... but these are actually the complete opposite of a secret. These are things that all good players do - they just don't realize they are doing it (and so they never explain them!)
Anyone with a brain and 20 years of obsessive observation would discover all this. The only thing I'm offering here is... I'm saving you 20 years :-)
Here's a few of the things I discovered and that you will find in this eBook:
- How to stop sounding like you are banging out a scale and inject 'emotion' into your playing (Tips 5 and 6)
- The "ring finger trick" that all professional players use when they play pentatonic solos... and immediately make you sound better. Once you've seen it and heard it, you'll recognize this in nearly every solo and riff from pro players. (Tip 11)
- The simple trick that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get stuck in a single position on the fretboard (Tip 2) Getting stuck in one position is the SECOND cause of "my solos sound always the same"...
- ... and then, of course, we are going to see the FIRST cause of "my solos sound always the same"... and eliminate that too! (Tip 3)
- Make your guitar growl! (Tip 14)
- Play "out of tune" and still make it sound "right" (Tip 10)
- How to connect your guitar directly with your heart rather than going through long "mental calculations" to find the right note (Tip 12)
- ... and much more!
NOTE: all of the above it's incredibly SIMPLE... but it works only if you dedicate some practice to it. No need to invest hours every day -- it's much simpler than that -- but you DO have to play through what I show you.
If you just want to read this eBook to be entertained, but do nothing with your guitar... then don't get it ;-)
If instead, the idea of practicing a few new things that will make you sound great sounds AMAZING, then:
- Fill out the simple form below, and
- Click the ‘Send Me The eBook’ button
...and in a few minutes, you will receive the "18 Tips To Make Your Pentatonic Solos Sound Professional" eBook in your email Inbox.

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"18 Tips To Make Your Pentatonic Solos Sound Professional" in your Inbox NOW
This is what students are saying about this eGuide:
- Marcus W: "I've been playing for over 30 years, but Tip 1 (One Pattern Only) was enlightening. Sending you gratitude for all the high-quality, free resources you've provided to the public at large."
- Richard B: "I really enjoyed your free pentatonic guide. It was a new way for me to navigate the pentatonic scale in different positions and octaves. Thank you so much."
- Massimo D: "I wish I had these pentatonic tips when I started! Easy and ready to be used from the very first day of practice, puts you in the condition to play actual music right away."
- Dave C: “Thanks for your pentatonic guide Tommaso. Great colour diagrams & packed with useful tips & strategies”
- Xavier L: “Bonsoir, je les ai lus rapidement et c’est magnifique. Vous êtes un très grand professeur et merci beaucoup.”
- Wardell F: “Hi Mr. Zillio. Thank you for the ebook!!! it’s very informative. I’ve got a lot to work with but it’s all good! I got access to your 15 steps to the Dorian mode as well and it’s working as well.”
- Philippe T: “I am not a guitarist, I play the violin. I was very interested by your recommendations on rhythm and using the pentatonic scale starting on différent notes than the root. Changing dynamics and articulation mixed in with the rhythm is natural for a well-trained violinist. The bow is well suited for that kind of work. Thank you very much for your advice, it is universal because music is music whatever instrument you play.”
- John A: “I love it! Thank you very much for this simple, excellent & challenging guide to using the pentatonic minor scale: simple because your instruction and diagrams are clear, excellent because using just that one 5-note pattern really does open up the entire fretboard. Honestly, I didn’t expect it to create such freedom of movement and expression!”
- Gary M: “Thank you for this set of lessons. Grouping the five notes of a pentatonic scale in a moveable module really helps in learning to play it all around the fretboard. In principle, I should have known enough to see that for myself, but I didn’t. It takes a pro to have insights like that and to know how to develop them into making better musicians. I also love the exercise of singing the notes as I play them. I am beginning to feel that the skill to play effortlessly the notes as I hear them in my head is within reach.”